Sapphire Soft Leaf Buffalo Grass performs as good as any other buffalo turf, with the added benefit of a finer texture.
A Sapphire Soft Leaf Buffalo lawn grows quickly, providing rapid recovery from wear. It has excellent winter colour and a deep root system.
With a vibrant green colour which is truly amazing, it will make your home lawn "the envy of the street".
Bred from Sir Walter Turf, Sapphire Soft Leaf Buffalo (Stenotaphrum secundatum 'B12' PBR) has a super fine texture. For those who like a Buffalo lawn but don’t like a coarse looking leaf, then a Sapphire Soft Leaf Buffalo Lawn is for you.
Sapphire Buffalo has exceptional winter colour in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide (provided it is fertilised in April). It holds its winter colour longer than other varieties.